Individuals with Pallister-Killian Syndrome need extensive therapies. Routinely, they will have occupational, physical, speech, vision and hearing therapy, but there are other therapies that can offer a great deal of help such as, hippotherapy, aquatherapy and more. Those affected by PKS, typically require care throughout their lives.
Your support will go a long way in assisting families with some of their therapy needs.
The Pallister-Killian Syndrome Foundation of Australia is endorsed as a Public Benevolent Institution.
Donate Online
To make a secure online donation, please click on the “Make a Donation” image below.
Donate directly to PKSFA, or set up a page to fundraise for PKS in your own event, personal challenge or celebration. Your friends can sponsor you through the secure MyCause payment system, and leave a message of support.
Bank Transfer
The Foundation is registered as a Deductible Gift Recipient. Donations over $2 are tax deductible; pleaseĀ Contact PKSFA to request a receipt.
Account Name: Pallister-Killian Syndrome Foundation of Australia
BSB: 036-048
Account: 33-0214
The Foundation conducts various fundraisers. If you wish to be involved, participate or sponsor, please contact the Foundation. Any support great or small is appreciated.
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